duminică, 24 iunie 2012

Telling a story

Two days ago:

Guess what happened with my friend today. She was...
You remember when I told you my friend, how she went, she was working for that agency...
Not when she went to Cluj, to that job at the City Hall...
Remember because her boss got weird and she had to leave, because he was...

Not the fat guy, that’s a different story...
The other guy, I actually, I think he was really thin… It was funny because his body was skinny, he had long skinny legs...
I heard that he and his wife split..."

What the fuck are you talking about?
Pick a thing, tell a story anyone can follow and please have some consideration for the fucking listener!

Here's an example on how to tell a story:
"I bought a football ticket, went to the game and it was good.

That's a story anyone can follow. It’s about football the whole time.

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